Pak May was the sister-in-law of my dad, wife of his elder brother who is deceased. Her real name is Maggie Hugh Mei Yong. She's 90 (but her obituary says 93) and was born in May like my dad, who will be 94 this May.
News of her death has sadden my dad and mum greatly. I guess it's sad to see people whom you know from the young days passing away, one by one. She died of pneumonia and later on kidney failure. She went into hospital because she had difficulty breathing. She has been in and out of hospital over the past 10 years, so I guess her 13 children and her numerous grand and great-grand-children were prepared for it.
When I saw one of her daughters weeping and being held up by her son, flashbacks to Albert's mum and Albert's weeping came back to me. I was moved by the song "Nearer my Lord" which was sung during the wake tonight after the prayer session.
When Bert's mum passed away, I remembered he told me he is so afraid to go through this heart-retching ache again if I pass away before him. I was so touched by that. But what made it more touching was what he said next. He knows I love him so much that I would be an emotional wreck if he goes before me, so if God would allow, he wishes that I go before him. I shared this with a praying parent today and she said your husband is so sweet and caring. I couldn't agree more.
It's good to recall that we are mortals and hence remember our shared history with our spouse. That is what ME is about. My sharing with my friend helps me recall those feelings Bert and I shared 2 years ago in 2008. It makes me appreciate my spouse even more, and thank God for giving me another day to be with Bert and the children.
The death of Pak May also triggers within me strong emotions about my dad's health. I cannot bear myself to admit that his death is drawing near. I tear even as I type this. My friend sense that I am not ready to accept his death. I am not. But I am glad to say that my dad has finally accepted that he is not mortal, and so has my mum. Lenz's sharing of one of the Lent's message that the ending of life on earth is actually not the end but the beginning of a new eternal life in heaven. Our life on earth is only brief and temporary. That's also what my friend had said to me. I know it's true, but I love the people I meet in my earthly life, and that is why I cannot accept them leaving me. It's like a long farewell, an end to any possible earthly communication with your love one. I just feel sad to even think about it and just as sad to see my dad in such a sorry state, a faded shadow of the strong personality that he used to be. I guess most people would feel the same as me.
Love Theresa