Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Sunday Sermon by Fr Joseph of Franciscan Order

Dear All

Last Sun, 7 Sep 08, seemed to be dedicated to ME and married couples.

The sermon by Fr Joseph from the Franciscan Order, was very touching. A couple who were quite young in age but married for 13 years were on the verge of divorce. The wife believed there was a 3rd party but the husband insisted that he was only out with the boys. Each party spoke to Fr Joseph, and since he knew both of them, he asked them to write letters to each other. (That is the ME way). After they wrote to each other about what they wanted out of the marriage, they realized that they still loved each other. Fr was actually talking about the many ministries of the Catholic Church, and how we do not go to our various programmes for support. Our Church is so rich with resources and support, but most of us are either do not know or are week-end catholics only.

Anyway, he preached on the beauty of ME and how it is a world-wide programme recognised by the Pope. If there's any better promotion of ME and it's programme, if can't be done better than by Fr Joseph. He himself had attended ME 11 years ago. For priests and religious, their spouse is us, the community.

He reminded us that the difference between marriage in the Church and those done outside, is the presence of God. Marriage is NOT a commitment between just 2 people, but a union of 3, including God. That is the vital difference, so he encourages all couples planning to be married to do so in front of God, and for those married outside of the Church to take note and hint of doing something about it.

He didn't want to say more as he says ME is an ENCOUNTER, so as Jesus said to his disciples, COME AND SEE. ME is not just building a better relationship with your spouse, but also remembering that GOD is the centre of our relationship. He also said that "A family that prays together, stays together" is not any old saying, but there is truth in it. Even in our family relationship with our kids, we mustn't forget that God is present.

Love Theresa

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