Friday, November 20, 2009

Is there a day that passes you by without you thinking of God?

Dear all,

This question surface to my mind this morning as I was leaving for work...Like a I mentioned in my earlier entry... towards the year end I slowed down momentarily and contemplative this one in the caption comes to mind.

To know who God in our lives is to keep thinking and praying to Him so that you will know Him better as time passes...God is a mystery, it is the unseen quiet force behind our lives.

To me, God has to be on my mind constantly so that I get to know Him a little better though I am not holy - to know Him entirely will not be possible, but at least to some level and to some degree - each day.

I cannot imagine what life will be for me without God and without knowing Him. I guess it will be just full of emptiness - nothing else.

Just yesterday, 19 Nov I was going thru my old e-mails and came across an old e-mail which is from my boss announcing the sad news of the passing away of my colleague James, last year 19 Dec. I was saddened and at the same time also wondering where is my friend now? Heaven? Purgatory?...where are these places? A different dimension I suppose in which all of us will go there 1 day. but to go there, one must 1st know who God is and be in communion with Him. So we need to be purged of our sins and to be like Holiness. Coz God is Holy, we are not. It is SIN that separates us from God since the beginning of is like fire and water, these 2 elements cannot exist together in the same is either we have fire or we have water. So God is like that. God is Holy and to be with God in heaven, we must be as pure and holy as God. Coz in heaven there is no more sin and misery.

We are called to holiness - everyone of us are, indeed. Hopefully, as we strive for holiness we can be counted to be among His chosen one - one day.

For many are called, but few are chosen.

You have a nice and blessed weekend.


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