Thursday, December 31, 2009

The last day of 2009 and here are the questions I posed to myself with no answers.. as yet

Dear all,

Today is the last day of 2009 and very soon it will be 2010. Along the way in 2009 despite of the streesful that we have encountered, some questions came to my mind but still with no answers yet....yet..

Here are some:

If God have chosen not be among one of us i.e. God is God, and human is human, where would I be today? Would I be a human wondering around without knowing God, Himself.

How is heaven like....this morning as I travelled on bus 39 along the TPE, I come across a greenery patch filled with trees and a river, it was a peaceful sight indeed. Is heaven going to be like this? I figure out if it is so, heaven should be a happy place.

When I was still in primary school, a close friend of mine told me that our planet is indeed a very old planet - millions of years. But our human race is just only a few thousands of years that exist on this planet. How can this be and this is what he told me...human existed many times around on this planet and after each human existence on this planet, God destroys it entirely and recreate another human generation from scratch (perhaps due to our sinfulness?) and so we have many cycles of human existence but always the same planet - earth. It is just thought - a contemplative one on the marvel of God.

Happy New Year1


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