Sunday, December 5, 2010

Holy Trinity Christmas Concert 2010

Dear All

The Seraphim cum Children & Youth combined choir Christmas Concert was held tonight (4 Dec 10, Sat). After so many nights and Sunday afternoons practises, they had their grand finale.

(Below: Title of Christmas Concert)
(Below:Seraphim's band with drummer hidden)

(Below: Fr Edward singing with the children's choir)

(Below: Combined 3 choirs after the intermission, part of choir cut-off due of camera's limited range)

The Seraphim (adult choir) was fantastic. The program had 13 songs featuring 2 (Bridge over Troubled Waters & When We Believe from the movie Prince of Egypt) which they had sung at the Church of St Mary of the Angels World peace concert. It was a mixture of comtempory christmas songs and a Spanish song (Riu Riu Chiu) about God's blessings on Mary & the birth of Jesus.

(Below: Close-up of Felicia)
The concert lasted about 1h 30 min with a 15min intermission, and included a guest appearance by our very own parish priest Fr Edward Lim, singing Children Run Joyfully with the children's choir. I think I may have some of the song titles incorrect but the lyrics are something like that :)

The church generously provided refreshments after the concert (which started at 8pm and ended at 9:40pm) as the children were there since 6pm, but we didn't stay for it....too many people plus Felicia wanted McDonald's, so off we went to Loyang Point for a late night supper. What a nice way to end a family night, with Mcs at home surrounded with christmas tree and the nativity, and the joyful songs of christmas still ringing in our ears...this is the true meaning of christmas, which I know you'll agree :)

Love Theresa

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