Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Breakfast Menu

Dear All

This year, the girls are both in the morning school. This year is the first time that Feli has to stay on in school 3 out of 5 days. As their schools will be demolished, they are now at the holding schools, which are further away from home. They have to wake up at 5:20am to catch their 6:15 school buses. Hence, the need to make sure they have the most important meal of the day.

Then, Bert came across a microwavable egg maker. He bought it from Shop & Save along the aisle where you can find all kinds of knick-knacks hanging from the shelves.

The egg-maker is easy to use. The only draw-back is it can only hold 1 egg at a time. But the best part is, you just crack an egg, drop it into the yellow container, pierce the yolk with a fork, then close it loosely with the white lid and microwave on high for 35 secs. Since my eggs are direct from the fridge, I will place the container at the edge of the turn-table and microwave for 35 secs. Then scoop it out onto your bowl and add dark soya sauce and pepper to taste. Taste just like the tradition boiled ones that my mum used to make for me when I was little :)

Another quick breakfast is to make pancakes. The batter can be made the night before. The original recipe has proper measurements, but my weighing scales are packed neatly into my cupboards somewhere and it's so troublesome to weigh out just small amounts. So I use my handy tablespoon and teacup to measure things out.

Pancake recipe (that the girls says tastes just like MacD. hotcakes!)

5 heaped tablespoon full of self raising flour (or 100g)
6 flat teaspoons full of fine sugar (or 3 tablespoons)
1 beaten egg
half a teacup of milk (or 125ml)

Mix the flour with the sugar well. Pour in the beaten egg and mix it up. Next pour in the milk and mix it. The batter should be a thick liquid-like mixture. I add a half teaspoon of vanilla essence myself for the nicer aroma.

You can then keep your batter to make your pancakes fresh the next morning.

I usually scoop 3 tablespoons of batter in the frying pan at a time to make 1 pancake. You can use cooking oil or margarine. The batter can make between 5 - 6 pancakes, more than enough for the 2 girls. The pancakes cook fast. You eat it with margine and maple syrup or by itself, as it is already sweet and smells delicious.

Bon appetite....go try it lah!


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