Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bought 3 catfish today (14 May 2011 -Sat)

Dear All

It's been 11 months since Bert set up his aquarium, and one of his beloved goldfish died on Friday evening. He's very sad as do you know that goldfish are responsive to being petted? Yup, you heard it right. They go to the surface for him to pet them! They were bought when they were little, like 2 inches long, and have grown to about 4 inches now.

So, we made a trip to a fish wholesaler and bought 3 spotted catfish on Sat. Tiffany caught them with a net. It's quite a steal at $3 each. This is how it looks like. (My camera needs to be the pixs are quite grainy plus the fish darts quite fast!).

(Above) - The catfish on the left and Bert's darling goldfish on the right :)

It's only about 1.5 inches long, but we don't know if it'll grow any bigger. It looked quite big at the shop, but somehow quite small in our aquarium.

Today, Tiffy was at the library and there was a Mother's Day event this morning. The auntie was so sweet, and gave her a henna on her hand! Looks so intricate...really, a work of art, in my opinion. Plus, it's for FREE (she heard it normally cost $5 for a simple design just on one finger!)

The henna hand painted on her hand (above).

Close-up view of the intricate henna pattern (above).

The pattern after the henna dye is washed off (above).

Love Theresa

Friday, May 13, 2011

New Read "The Catholic Warrior"

Dear All

As a Mother's Day treat for myself, I wandered about our Trinity Church bookshop and came upon this little book entitled "The Catholic Warrior" by Robert Abel. It's a bit ex in my opinion at $14.90, but hey, I thought, I should treat myself a little, right? So I got myself the book. Here's how it looks like.

I've only read it a quarter-way, but it's a great book to explain why there's this constant spiritual battle between God and the evil one (I call it the Giant Toad. Don't ask me why, but it's a term I had used with Tiffy when she was very very young, like 2 years old? Just using his actual term scares me and the little ones). It also explains why the serpent tricked Eve and why both Adam and Eve had to leave the garden of Eden.

It quotes the numerous biblical text especially during Jesus' public ministry, where He cast out demons from people. There's a very vivid text about the man at Gerasen who was possessed by about 2000 unclean spirits. Jesus drove them out and into the swines and the whole herd of swines rushed down into the sea and drowned.

The author shared about how our "little" sins can open the door to unclean spirits to dwell within us. We need to go deeper within ourselves (just like what ME workshop couples do) to really identify where this door is, then to seal it with confession with true repentance, and ask Jesus to seal it. Then and only then can the Holy Spirit dwell within us.

The best part is, it's written in simple and plain English that even I can understand :)

A recommended read.


Thursday, May 12, 2011

Day out with Felicia (last day of exams)

Dear All

Today's the last day of 2 long weeks of exams. Yes, even in primary school nowadays, exams last that long! Started with the compos, orals, etc. Then the main papers this week. Made the poor girl skip choir practices and guitar lessons for exam preparations. P5 is such a BIG jump from P4 and she's feeling the heat! You see, our school had a change of principal, so I guess she's trying to push the students to achieve very high standards! But they are only 10 year olds! Where have their childhood gone?

Anyway, since the che che will be ending her own LONG 2 weeks exams tomorrow, and going out with her friends, I told Feli I'll bring her out for a treat. I feel she's still too young to go out with her friends still, nor go hang out at friends' house!

We went to eat at her choice of eatery (Aijinsen) and her choice of movie (it's between Water for Elephant or Beastly, but Beastly won).

Today is opening day for Beastly with the preview opening over. Here's a snapshot of today's advert for the show:
Feli loved the show immensely. It's follows quite closely to the classic fairytale of Beauty and the Beast, but in a modern day setting. Good morales are taught which is a great way to share with your younger ones. There's some passionate scenes though, so you may not want to bring kindergarten kids to this. A nice show to watch especially if you can get your tickets at a discount. School kids pay $6 whilst adult $8. With passion card @ Shaw cinemas, its $6.50 per ticket. I think it's this discounted rate during weekdays but am not sure :)

Tiffy says her friend recommends Thor...must be good as her friend wants to see it AGAIN! (It happens to be the movie watched by the WP during the day before polling day too...I guess it must have something to do with the "mighty" hammer and superhero theme! Haha!!).

Anyway, holidays are coming. I shall again look out for fun (read as "cheap") activities for the kids and try to share them with you.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Recommended Read - FISH! for life

Dear All

I had made a recent post on the book I was reading. Well, now I've completed it.

The ingredients of FISH! which I like to share with you to make your family life refocused midst the business of work are:

1) Play
2) Make your day (for others)
3) Be there
4)Choose your attitude

Play means to make whatever activity especially yucky ones fun by thinking of ways to make it fun. A simple example off my head is making cleaning the house fun by doing chores with music you love. Another is making a game of washing the hamster cage with the kids.

Make your day means to think of ways to make the other person loved, happy and cared for. Something simple could be to just give an encouraging note to your kid when the going is tough, to show you care and understand the stress she's going through.

Be there means when you are with that person, make sure you focus on when she is saying. Don't just be physically there, be totally there for that person. An example would be when talking to my mum either in person or on the phone, really give her my listening ear to what she is saying and sometimes not saying directly (haha, if happens sometimes ya?). Sometimes we are thinking of something else whilst so called talking or listening to that person. People sometimes do sense it you are not there. The important point is, you are choosing not to live in the present by having your mind elsewhere, and the present will not come back.

Choose your attitude. I think we married couples who have gone through the marriage preparation course have heard this one: "Love is a DECISION, not a feeling". Attitude is also different from feelings. An example, you may feel tired and down, which are INTERNAL feelings, but you can choose EXTERNALLY to be supportive to your child or spouse when they are sharing with you their experiences at school or work.

The above 4 ingredients can be applied to sensitive situations like getting an aged parent to stay with you, or difficult colleagues at the office. These kind of situations or problems can be brainstormed in advance with your family or spouse.

The ingredients can also be used in any situation. It's basically living your moments to moments fully.

Another example where you can apply the above ingredients is in starting your exercise regime.

PLAY - get nice exercise attire or shoes, or bring along your favourite songs for your exercise. You can choose to exercise to music, or exercise with the TV on. Just think how to make your exercise more fun. It could be learning a new physical activity like dancing, in-line skating, tai-chi etc.

Make your day - treat yourself a little after a week's or even a day of exercise. Perhaps a massage know what you like ya? Or it could be inspirational quotations put up in your room to keep you at it.

Be there - This is a tacty one....this is being conscious when you overeat. It may be when you are under stress e.g, hurt, frustrated, anxious. When you are eating, slow down and enjoy the meal. If you are eating but thinking of work, you don't know what you are eating and may overeat. Eat without the TV on and silent your phone. Don't eat whilst reading or texting. Just be there. (Also, have a healthier spread of food lah!)

Choose your attitude - Like what NIKE slogan says, "Just do it". You know you need to exercise for the sake of good health so that you can see your kids grow up, so once you know what you have to do, just do it. When you put on your track shoes, you know you'll be exercising. Just take the 1st step and being your project.

The last part of this short book is about communication with your spouse and the decision to be committed to your spousal relationship...exactly what ME has taught us and is about. These ingredients are just to spice up your relationship with the one you have chosen to live your life with till the day you part. Anything in life that is worth living for should take priority and this tool (FISH!) is just a means to helping us live our priority better.

Hope the above sharing helps. BTW, the book can be bought from Popular bookshop.

Love Theresa