Sunday, May 15, 2011

Bought 3 catfish today (14 May 2011 -Sat)

Dear All

It's been 11 months since Bert set up his aquarium, and one of his beloved goldfish died on Friday evening. He's very sad as do you know that goldfish are responsive to being petted? Yup, you heard it right. They go to the surface for him to pet them! They were bought when they were little, like 2 inches long, and have grown to about 4 inches now.

So, we made a trip to a fish wholesaler and bought 3 spotted catfish on Sat. Tiffany caught them with a net. It's quite a steal at $3 each. This is how it looks like. (My camera needs to be the pixs are quite grainy plus the fish darts quite fast!).

(Above) - The catfish on the left and Bert's darling goldfish on the right :)

It's only about 1.5 inches long, but we don't know if it'll grow any bigger. It looked quite big at the shop, but somehow quite small in our aquarium.

Today, Tiffy was at the library and there was a Mother's Day event this morning. The auntie was so sweet, and gave her a henna on her hand! Looks so intricate...really, a work of art, in my opinion. Plus, it's for FREE (she heard it normally cost $5 for a simple design just on one finger!)

The henna hand painted on her hand (above).

Close-up view of the intricate henna pattern (above).

The pattern after the henna dye is washed off (above).

Love Theresa

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