Friday, June 10, 2011

Nail Painting today

Dear All

We had a "movie night" tonight (Thur) which had just ended (Fri, 1+am). And that is only 1 DVD out of 4 DVDs, covering 3 places, namely ancient Rome, Ancient or the New Jeruseluem (in Ethopia) and San Francisco underground "cities".

The video "Cities of the Underworld" from History Channel, was borrowed from the library yesterday. Tiffy chose it, as she had seen an episode before on the History Channel and found it interesting. I must agree it was. It's amazing what the library stocks nowadays! Anyway, since we can't watch it on our DVD player, Bert found a way to hook it up to our laptop to watch on our TV.

Earlier part of the evening, we had a fun time painting our nails. (Haha, the advantage of having only girls!!). We were testing out the 4 new colours, namely, pink, baby blue, lilac/purple and orange, which we had bought from FaceShop yesterday. I tried out a dual colour painted nails by taping masking tape on my pink coat and painting baby blue on the tip. I thought since I see the painters using masking tape to prevent the paint from touching the false ceiling from the wall paint, I guess it should also work for the nails. And Viola! It worked! Looked so pro, like from the manicure shop, but at minimal cost...only that of 2 bottles of nail polish and some masking tape :)

Here are the pictures of our evening.

Love Theresa

My 2 colour painted nails plus another pix of my anniversary ring, haha (below):

Feli playing computer on TV screen after the video show..rare opportunity! (below):

This is the DVD that is very interesting and educational! (below):

Feli enjoying the "Big" screen verse the tiny laptop screen on the coffee table (below):

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