Monday, September 12, 2011

LC Sharing Session & 36th Wedding Anniversary @ M&L - 10 Sep 2011

Dear All

It has been a trying 1 week Sep school holiday for me and my family. We had to take turns to help my mum out with taking care of my dad whilst their maid had to return to her country, as her husband had met with an accident with a drunk driver and died in ICU. It has been a miracle that my brother managed to arrange for her to leave so soon so as to see her husband one last time.

Anyway, we still made time for LC, and we usually try to bring the girls along with us, although they are growing up fast, and sometimes would like to have their own space and time. But usually, they are wonderful girls, and try to join us as much as possible :)

The sharing question for the session was:

HDIF when we seem to be too busy for each other? Describe fully those feelings. Pretend today, the phone/internet/power if out. How do I feel about that?

Celebrating the 36th Wedding Anniversary with Mike & Lisa (pink shirt & lime green blouse) at their beautiful home (photo below):
It was a wonderful session led by A&P. They gave us a 1 page note on the importance of having an intimate relationship with God and sowing seeds to know and love Him. In a similar way, that's how we should be building an intimate relationship with our other best friend, who is our spouse. For in the end, we can only reap when we have sown. Otherwise, there's nothing to harvest when the kids have flown the coop and we are at the end of our earthly pilgrimage.

Lenz's sharing summed up the general feel of the session:

What we brought home from the sharing:-

1) You reap what you sow (see 2 Corinthians 9:6 ) and that we can’t expect to reap a harvest on seeds you’ve never sown

2) Time is the price we must pay for intimacy with GOD/spouse, if you have an intimate relationship with God, you will likely have an intimate relationship with your spouse.

3) What are "The Wretched Stone" of your life, beware of them.

4) When things are ok, pray 1 hr a day, when things are not and we are busy, pray 2hrs a day.

5) Your spouse is God's gift to you, how are you treating the gift?

Remember the 4 tools to continue the journey for a intimate spousal relationship ---

1) Dialogue;

2) Sexual Relationship;

3) Couple Prayer;

4) Journey with the like-minded, ie ME couples as in Lovecircle, ME Service Team, ME priests…etc.

Love Theresa

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