Tuesday, July 8, 2008

The 2 missions of St Therese

After reading the autobiography of St Therese (Story of a Soul), my perpsective of the people in general has been changed somewhat for the better...more often than not, whenever we comae across some nasty people in our lives we would try not to associate ourselves too much with them...but then St Therese has 2 missions in life and that is:

Mission 1: To save as many souls as possible and lead them to heaven
Mission 2: To pray for our beloved priests

So bearing these 2 missions in mind, every nasty person that we come across in our lives has a good chance to go on to heaven...so don't write them off in you first encounter though we tend to discociate ourselves from them.

Every single soul is worth saving and they are created in the image of God...

So, now I understand fully God's love for the human race better.

Have a nice day!

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