Felicia wasn't elected for any ministerial post and she cried herself to sleep. She lamented that she had so many ideas for smaland. Anyway, she attended the MP parliamentary party last Sunday with her best friend Bianca. She can invite 2 friends and the other friend flew off for vacation on Sat so only 1 friend made it. It is good that the 2 girls enjoyed themselves. On hindsight, it was lucky she isn't elected otherwise we parents have to fetch them to all sorts of meeting. The 1st ministerial meeting was Sat (22Nov), then the party (23 Nov), then to URA visit (5 Dec) then visit the real parliament house (11 Dec). They are THAT serious about this ministerial thingy. Geez, the kids are only 4 - 9 years old!! The youngest, 4 - the makan minister, could hardly ascent the baby steps to go on stage to receive the appointment letter!! Anyway, the magic show was pretty good, and it kept both kids and parents meserised.
Coming to the topic of Tiffany's PSLE, I was pleasantly surprised with calls from long lost friends like Vera, Wai Meng and Phyllis, who called just to find out how did Tiffy fare. So sweet of them. 1 mother of the girls in Tiffy's school told me that this year's t-score was low, hence aggregate scores are mostly on the low side this year. I do take these news as consolation and in perspective of Tiffy's score. I just thank the Lord for such friends who I believe are sent as angels to reaffirm that Tiffy has done well in light of the "national" average. Her cousin was so sweet when she told him her aggregate score...he said "can get in express is good already lah!" Most importantly, Tiffy feels she has done very well, and indeed she has as she has improved greatly from her prelims, as did most of her friends. It was surprising that those who did well in the prelims that did not fare as well as they and their parents want to. 1 mother who didn't have her daughter in any affiliate school expected her daughter to do well like 250+ aggregate, but had 204...she is now going around the various neighbourhood schools to see which one would take her into the express stream. When I hear of such sad stories, I really thank the Lord and Mother Mary for their mercy and blessings. Today, a friend told me it's better to have a child who is average in studies and high moral values than a child with high academic achievements but with no or little moral values. I believe she's another Godsend angel speaking to me.
PLSE posting results would be out on 18 Dec 08. Please continue to help us pray that Tiffany would be able to get into St Anthony Canossian Secondary School Express Stream. The school is 1 of 3 schools this year which was awarded the Distinguished achievement award, and most likely, with the kind of aggregate levels I am hearing from kids from non-affiliate schools this year, I think competition for her school could be tough. Tiffany has confidence in herself, and that is good, but I tend to be a great "worrier" so please pray for me.
Love Theresa and Albert
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