Friday, June 18, 2010

Cana 1334 - 10 Jun 10 (Thur)

Dear All

We attended a musical play performed by lay people as well as several priests like Fr Luke Fong. It was held at 7:30pm at Singapore Expo and started proper only at 8pm. It lasted for 2.5h excluding a 20min intermission. In all, it ended at just past 11pm! I've never seen so many catholics at the same place at the same time. Heard that the capacity was 6000 people!

The play was a pleasant surprise! It was exceptionally fantastic! It was actually put up by our own catholic fellowmen, all on a volunteer basis, and God is really great...He sent so many talented people and those in the professional production of theatre and media line! I didn't realise how talented and great professionals many of our catholics are! May God continue to bless them abundantly for they have put up such a professional and slick show.

13:34 is the title of the play. It is actually the quotation from the gospel of John chapt 13 verse 34...Jesus commandment - To love one another as I have loved you.

The play was based on 3 men's live story...1 was called since he was a boy but couldn't answer the calling as his mum wants him to take care of her and his father when they are old. Another was in a serious relationship with his girlfriend when he heard the calling. The last was the good-for-nothing son who lost faith in God when God didn't let his father live through cancer although he prayed so hard as a little boy.

The singing of the songs were of high quality. The screening of video recordings of real priests on their calling and questions like what they are doing in their vocation (like being Jesus to the prostitutes in Geylang - reaching out to them because God loves them too), and the sacrifices they made when they answered the calling, in-between the play, was well-timed and well-placed. Our priests were equally talented too! Some played the saxophone, some the electric guitar, and some sung or danced. A newly minted 2-week old priest, Fr Derrick, and his family consisting of dad, mum & sis, also were on staged.

Met my bro, Ed there, and Anne (ushering) and Eric & Cynthia. Heard from Angie & Raymund that their fam was there too.

Kudos to all who made the production so enjoyable! If only it was not just a 1 night show! This ends the Year of the Priest, a year ending 30 Jun, to pray for our beloved Priests and for more young men to come forward to answer the calling, as we are so in dire need for priests.

Love Theresa

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