Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Fun day Bonding with the Family - Vesak Day

Dear All

I bought tixs to the theatre show "Girl in the Red Hood" by ITheatre. It was held on 28 May 10 (Fri) Vesak Day. Bert decided to drive there, which was at the National Museum. We left 40 min before showtime, but we caught out by the heavy traffic and roadworks (can you imagine - roadworks on a public hol?!?). When we got there, the carpark was full and we were already late! The show was to start in like 2 mins? We turned off at Fort Canning and luckily we found a carpark, which was just BEHIND the museum! And there was a link from the carpark directly into the musuem! We were just to lucky!
Back entrance to Museum from Fort Canning Carpark (above)

Tiff at the Wayang Kulit gallery (above)

Small dolls used at the Wayang Kulit gallery (above)

Feli in front of the cameras used in the past. How IT advance so fast! (above)

The venue was at the lowest level, so we rushed like mad. We were 5min late, but fortunately, they had not started yet. We settled into our seats and the show started 5 min later. Luckily, there were others who were late too, and the crew had the common sense to start the show later. The theatre was sadly only half filled.

Though the show was short (45min instead of the claimed 55 min) it was an enjoyable experience for all of us. Tiff had not been to a theatre show before and neither had Bert for several years. I think this was the first time we enjoyed a life theatre acting as a family. Feli had been to at least 1 before with her school excursion.

After that, since it was a matinee show, we decided to buy tixs to tour the museum. One of the gallery on Live History, had most of my mum's kitchen utensils there. Some of them were still used by mum, like the pestal (pounder). Bert recognised the kerosene stove that his mum had used before. Some items like kueh tutu, roti prata and chay kuay teow in banana leaf wraps are still available to us in this present day.

What was most impressive was the self guided tour at the History Gallery. It was huge and we had this portable earphone gadget that we need to key in the number we see on the floor in order to hear our own personal commentary. This gallery was huge! It was a waste we didn't go in there first, as we need a lot more time in order to fully appreciate the displays. We didn't expect it to be that big, and had to rush off for Feli's choir practice that evening. She cannot miss it as it was the 2nd last practice before her performance at the Parish Feast Day concert.

In all, our family enjoyed our family bonding time together. We did something different together, and it made for a memorable family time. Hopefully, it'll form part of our girls' fond memories of us as we do for them.

Love Theresa

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