Tuesday, August 31, 2010

SCC - Small Christian Community

Dear All

As you know, Bert & I attended the Apr & Jul PRE respectively. Lucky us, Fr Edward Lim
decided to hold a SCC (Small Christian Community) Workshop over the 28 & 29 Aug weekend. He intends to hold one after every 2 PRE sessions. As there are only 2 priest serving our parish of 10000 parishers, Fr couldn't cope...so instead of 4 PRE, we'll have 3 PRE sessions per year.

PRE (Parish Renewal Experience) is actually a very "old" concept started from Vatican II. As the catholic church is very vast, the Church, being wise, has decided to reach out to us parishioners to reconnect with our fellow catholic and build communities.

After PRE, then what? We have come to feel so much more connected to each and every member of the Body of Christ, and I must say I am a changed person. In the past, any fellow catholic "sin" used to be their problem, and not mine. I used to be indifferent. With a deeper appreciation of God's love for all of us, I cannot not feel the pain which Christ feels when a fellow catholic errs. Now, if I can do something about it, I try to be a model and initiator. If I can't act on it, I will pray for my fellow catholic. That's because whenever a part of our body is in pain, our whole body feels the pain and is affected. A fellow SCC participant so aptly shared the same feelings that I was feeling, so I know I'm not alone.

In order to give us an opportunity to build a small christian community like the very first christians did in the Acts of the Apostles, Fr Edward had given us some "training". SCC is actually our neighbourhood cell groups...but the difference is, most of us are from PRE. The danger of SCC failing is that they tend to be inward looking and exclusive. We are reminded that we are all called to be missionary and all-inclusive.

We met a couple, also from PRE, but had not attended SCC. They belong to a neighbourhood cell group. As we talked, they asked if they can sometimes join our SCC especially during Advent. I told them I actually thought we'll be joining their cell....then to my horror, they say can't, not because we are not welcomed, but their cell group comes from a certain industry. Huh? I thought...this was exactly what Fr Edward warned us about. If the cell is exclusive, it will die a natural death over time. I didn't say anything cos the cell only started last year. Whereas, we haven't even started yet. We have been forewarned by Fr though, that some will flourish, but
there will also be some who die.

Guess what, since our cell members do not belong to Simei nor Tampines, but from Bedok, Loyang and Pasir Ris, we are in the "Belonging" group! Haha....hoping to belong somewhere!! And being the "lost" child, we are so blessed to have Fr Edward himself as our Spiritual Director! Yippee!

Since 29 Aug is also Bert's birthday, we couldn't spend time as a family to celebrate it with him. However, I think it's nice to spend his birthday together with me, learning more about the early Christians struggle to give us the faith and God that we all believe in! With that model in mind, we will try to be like the early Christians, spreading the Good News so that others would be added to the flock.

We, however, did have a birthday cake for our dear Bert, the man and centre of our little family, though belated by a day :) Here's 2 shots of him with his birthday cake.

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