Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Strongly Recommended Read - The Smart Way of Loving by Father Henry Siew

Dear All

About 2 weeks ago, we attended Divine Mercy mass and a ME priest, Fr(also Dr) Henry Siew was giving the sermon. He was also promoting his newly published book "The Smart Way of Loving".

It's a summary of the experiences husband and wife journey through in married life & from his experience in counselling troubled marriages and as an ME's a very concise gist of what we, ME couples, have experienced during our ME weekend.

It's a great book to read. Easy to read & digest (I read almost half of it whilst walking on the treadmill for 40minutes). It's not "heavy" or philosophical but a handy book of advice on how couples could communicate in the language of their spouse. How to reconnect and re-kindle the love you've had when you were dating your spouse. How to love your spouse in the way they appreciate rather than the way you are accustomed to (remember the 5 languages of love?). Namely 1) Affirmative words, 2) quality time, 3) giving gifts, 4) acts of service & 5) physical touch.

So, have you been showing your spouse how much you love them lately, in the language that they understand? If you can't remember, well, either dig up those ME notes or pick up this handy book by Fr Siew. Cost only S$15. Should be available at your nearest catholic bookshop. :)

Love Theresa

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