Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Austere Diet (Today's paper - ST27 Jul 09)

Dear All

Firstly, there's an error in my earlier post on brandname of the Ikea plastic sheet...it's Kolon. Post corrected. Yah...funny name, but don't laugh, it's true...maybe in means something else in Swiss..

Today's Straits Times had an article on aging. It seems if you cut down your calories intake by 30% (from your ideal weight) you'll most like live longer. That's because your internal organs age slower. (But sorry folks, it does not reduce hair fall!!!). Ailments like cancer, and old age associated ailments are reduced. You look younger too. (Some of the summary was taken from another website given by a docter friend).

Anyway this article's writer commented...why do anyone want to live longer if they are living in misery, especially if you live to eat.

My take is, enjoy your food, but in moderation. Have routine exercises. Have a hobby, have some good close friends and go for retail therapy once in a while. Live life, play with your kids, be a teen again with your spouse, and don't be a slave to your house (if you're a SAHM like me) or to your job. After all, life is short, so live it. Don't know what I'm rattling about...must be the late hour...just my rambling thoughts for today.

Love Theresa

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