Sunday, July 26, 2009

Trying out a way to cut noise of dragging chairs

Dear All

The kids are generally "rough". They just don't know how to lift up the chair when they get up from their study tables. The end result....scratched parquet floors and irritating dragging furniture noise, particularly at night when you want to sleep! We tried putting carpets (too much friction), rubber mats (also too much friction and the joined pieces keep coming out or are squashed by the chair legs), felt leg tips (the glue just don't stick well), nailed leg tips (the nail also scratch the floor). The best so far are the tied on leg booties.

Today, we went to Ikea and found this plastic mat brand name "Kolon". We are currently trying it out. It definitely protects the parequet from scratches, but does not dampen the noise. So I remembered the show room had carpets UNDER the "Koton" so we placed a rug under ours. And guess what? The noise is significantly reduced! So now everyone, including the complaining neighbour below us, can now sleep in peace.

The cost is low..just $59 per plastic sheet. But be's pretty heavy (heavy duty I suppose) and needs some strength to bend it to fit into your car boot.

Just to share something that is useful to us.

Love Theresa & Bert

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