Monday, March 17, 2008

As I close another chapter in my life….

Last week has been a busy week for me as I was busy vacating Jurong house to enable it to be ready to make it tenant ready for this Sat (15 Mar 2008). I was filled with some degree of sadness on the night of 13 Mar 2008 when I was there to clear the last batch of stuff….brother was there to clear mum’s wheel chair and bring it back to Hougang….we chatted a bit…recalling back all the memories of mum while mum was staying there all these years….and now it is now nothing but an empty house filled with echoes…

Here is where I use to have dinner with my mum on weekends when she was well…

…this use to be mum’s bedroom when is well and good…

…and here is where mum use to sleep when she was bed ridden…

..and here is where we use to have family dinners when mum is still alive

..our first sofa set 15 years old…(left only the 1+! Seater)
And this use to be our bedroom 15 years ago…

..our first microwave oven…13 years still working (Note: The supporting stand was a gift from father-in-law, I think he carpented it and presented it to us so that the heat will not damage the lining of the kitchen top)

..and this 15 year old piano is where my sweetie practices on and passes her piano exams…..

as all these memories flashed back in my mind….a tinge of sadness comes back to me which explains why I am unable to stay on in this house….

I update brother a bit on the aministration side of mum’s CPF withdrawal, mum’s photo on marble slab, her own personal effects and how to manage it….we chatted a while more before we leave the house. Brother was very kind to help me load up the remaining stuff into the taxi before he drives back to Hougang.
I will be there on Sat (15 Mar 2008) for the last time to see to the shifting of the piano…will tell you more on my actual experience of shifting the piano to Meragi Road…

Albert Y

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