Monday, March 3, 2008

LC300 34th gathering: 8th March(Sat)7pm, gathering at M & A's place

Dear all LC300 lovers,

It has been strings of festive seasons over the last few months, now we shall get back to the rythm of our ME sharing, which is essential to achieve the objectives of our original weekend --- to be better couples, keep the love flame burning with our spouse, which is the best gift for our children, and peope around us, to lead a full life w/o regret.

Venue: Matthew&Anne's place
Details: check e-mail

As Matthew will be back in the afternoon on Sat 8 March and Anne has a meeting till 5.00pm on that day, please come after 6.00pm .

As they are busy, J&J will helpingthem to co-ordinate the food that all of you will be bringing for the evening.

Pls copy your reply to Anne & J&J

Sharing Qs:

It took Noah 120yrs to build the ark. We can imagine he face many discouraging days. With no sign of rain year after year, he was ruthlessly criticized as a "crazy man who thinks God speak to him". Yet Noah kept on trusting God.
View above as couple bible reading(experienced in MR), reflect how this has/going to strength your marriage lifes, which is bombarded with much hardship, heartache, dis-illusionment and pain.
Write a love letter to your spouse, share before the gathering on 8March.
Looking forward to see all of you.

love & God bless

On behalf of
PS :ME anniversary mass is scheduled for May19(Vesak Day) at IHM
If your wedding falls in the "5yrs" milestones(5, 10, 15....), pls submit your names for special blessing & preparation of your certificate.

Albert Y

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