Friday, March 6, 2009

Updated post on Valentine's Day with photos

Dear All

Finally figured out how to upload the photos for post on valentine's day. (Please see valentine's day post for lots of photos including the infamous blooming pussy willow...)

With the tight-ness in budget, a friend told me since the only fish I am familar cooking with is salmon, instead of buying them ready-packed, why not buy them whole. So I did. I think I saved quite a bit since I bought it at 69 cents per 100g, I got this fellow for just under $32..weighing about 3+kg. Lock-stock-and barrel minus the gills, can all be eaten. The bones made great fish soup, and the head made delicious fish head curry....yum yum. 

Here's the pix of the fish (the one below) that I bought.
Love Theresa

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