Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Would you bad mouth your spouse...behind his/her back?

I was attending a lengthy meeting last Wednesday at my workplace and in the last few minutes of the meeting a manager came out to present his thoughts...I am totally lost and have forgotten what he presented and on what he is driving at but one valuable lesson that I learnt from him is this "NEVER BAD MOUTH YOUR SPOUSE IN FRONT OTHERS". During the presentation, he jokingly said that his wife is a lousy driver and have scratch the rims of the tyres while driving out from the HDB MSC carpark. Trivial as it seems to be, that putting down your spouse in front the entire dept staff is something that need to be avoided and not be to be taken lightly....in the context of marriage.

I have not bad mouth spouse as long as I can remember. I love my spouse dearly...since I met her 19 years ago and more so today as I type this msg...She is everything in our little family, she is the that little heartbeat and the main pillar of strength of the family...I listen to her as she is a wise thrifty lady (somehow woman has that x factor that we guys do not have)....and like everyone else, myself included, has their own shortcomings but it is good to observe a continuous conscious effort not to bad mouth each other in front of others.

In marriage both husband and wife is one single unit, bad mouth each other in public no matter how trivial it is, is like shooting yourself in public. The very person whom you choose to marry, to love and taken as your "LIFE PARTNER", and being united as one in Holy Matrimony, should not put to bad light in front of others no matter how big or small his/her shortcomings are.

LC300, I just want to share this lesson which I learnt from this manager during the meeting.


(P.S. This manager does not believe in the existence of God and uses "Jesus Christ" name to swear when things does not go his way...e.g. the computer hangs suddenly etc)

Let's pray for him.

You have a nice day!


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