We are so pleased to have another priest newly ordained on 20 Aug 2012. There were, in the past 3 or so years, 3 other seminarians attached to our Church of the Holy Trinity, who were ordained priests. What's heart-warming about Fr Joseph Zhang is that finally, a newly ordained priest is posted to serve at our Parish! We are indeed in dire need for one, as Fr Paul, under the French Missionary, will be posted to Taiwan soon.
Today's readings were from Joshua 24:1-2a, 15-17.18b (1st Reading), 2nd Reading from Eph 5: 21-32 and Gospel from John 6: 60 -69. I wish to share the sermon by Fr Zhang, which I found interesting and enlightening.
Firstly, just to recap the stories from all the 3 readings for today.
The 1st Reading, which normally ties up with the Gospel, was about who do we choose as our God or religion to follow. During the Old Testament, under Joshua's time, the people of God was in a society where there were other gods. Some claim to worship Yahweh and yet also worshipped Baal. In the Gospel of John in the New Testament, society then also had the same problem. Those who said they were followers of Christ were also swayed by other gods. In both Joshua and Jesus' time, both men challenged the people to make a choice. Are they for Yahweh or are they for other gods.
Fr Zhang shared that we are no different from people of earlier times. Catholics who proclaim they are so, are sometimes found in temples of other faith. Similar to the past times, we have to make a choice of who we are to follow.
Fr Joseph Zhang (deacon then) sportingly joining a dance item for our Parish Feast Day (below):
Fr Zhang presenting a token of appreciation to the lector's for their dance item (below):
The 2nd reading from Ephesians is about how a man should love his wife, just like how he loves his own body, and how a wife should love her husband, by being submissive to him. Then it takes this relationship as an analogy as how Christ loves His Church, His spouse.Fr Zhang says when St Peter claimed that Jesus "has the words of eternal life. We have come to believe and know that you are the Holy One of God", and chose to follow Christ, it was because of 2 things, namely Peter's KNOWLEDGE and his EXPERIENCE of Christ in his life.
Peter knew Jesus. He has experienced Jesus' many miracles such as the multiplication of bread. This was followed by his personal journey and experience of Jesus in his life, e.g. Peter's walking on water, and Jesus saving them by the calming the stormy waters that their boat was in. We can remain faithful to being a Catholic if we have built our knowledge of the Word of God and had a faith encounter with Christ. Similarly, this relationship between Christ and us, is just like the relationship between husband and wife. We first got to know our potential life-partner by spending lots of quality time to understand them and to communicate with each other. After we had gotten to know and fallen in love with our life partner, we then chose to marry him or her. Then after marriage, it's the experience of going through life together with all the ups and downs, tears and joys that strengthens our love for each other.
Fr Zhang reminded us that being committed to our faith does not mean we will not experience any challenges or difficulties in life. Jesus remained true to God the Father by sacrificing himself on the cross for our sin even though he suffered a lot. The objections and rejections that Jesus faced did not mean He was making the wrong decision of dying for us on the cross for our sake. Difficulties that we face being Catholics do not mean we made a wrong choice in our religion. Similarly, in our spousal relationship, we will face difficulties in our marriage. However, difficulties and perhaps even doubts do not mean we had made a mistake in marrying our spouse. It's when times are tough, that's when it's crucial to recall the time we first fell in love with our spouse and the pleasant experiences we have shared with each other.
Just to share with you today's sermon, as I think it's so relevant to what Marriage Encounter (ME) and our Love Circle (LC) and also our Catholic Church is promoting and supporting...a love between husband and wife with Christ in the centre. What God unites, man should not divide. Christ is always true to His Bride, the Church, and we are challenged to live up to this call in our married life - husband and wife to be faithful to each other. As Fr Zhang said, husbands, don't look at other women and think how much prettier they are than your wife, and wives, don't look at other men and think how hunky they are compared to your husband. Always recall the time of courtship and why you had chosen your spouse so that you'll remain faithful to each other. Fall back on your knowledge of your spouse and recall your pleasant experiences with your spouse. Isn't that what ME is all about too?
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