Friday, May 23, 2008

06.05.93...the day my life changed forever

5 June was my wedding day...the day I was bind in Holy Matrimony with Theresa and that was 15 years ago. How time flies, indeed! Now, that life has been somewhat stable (at least for now)...with children much more independent and older...I have now some time to reflect on the past 15 years of marriage to the past when children are younger, practically no time for anything ....indeed..when life at that time revolves round the children all the time like changing diapers, pacifiying children, feeding, bathing them and then patting them to sleep and by the time all this activities are completed, the entire cycle repeat time to think and how draining it can be at times...

Now, back track 15 years ago, what happens to me in my life if have not met my Theresa, what will I be today? where will I be today?...I always wonder and let me see...most likely I would still be single...I think..yeah most likely...and if I am still single..will I ever get let me the age of a guy, say what you like..I think I am a bit too old to enter the dating game to find a spouse..and moreover one may not have the energy most likely I will continue to work and upon reaching age of 40 perhaps which is most likely I think the best option for me would be to enter the seminary and spent the rest of my life meaningfully as a priest...I think that would be the most probable scenario, if I am still not married by the age of 40...but then I am married to my dear Theresa now for 15 years and I must say truly she is my best friend ever...with I whom I can relate to as much as possible in this life...but then I must add that I must prepare myself one day I may have to live a life without her...remember I mentioned in my one of my blog entry the probability of having to go on to next world first is 0.5...far too high to ignore this probability?

Today is "Eat with your family day" and we are permitted to leave at 4.30pm. As for me I was here early coz of morning class at 8 am and hence I am leaving at 4 pm. Before I leave.....I would like to leave you with this little prayer:

Prayer for One's Vocation in Life (extracted from my mother's Mini Prayerbook)

O loving Father, in your goodness you have chosen me to be your child in baptism. You have a plan for me so that I may attain eternal happiness with you. Help me understand this vocation you have called me to. Give me eyes of faith to see more clearly all the events surrounding me so that I may fulfill your plan for me.
Let me not follow the worldly lifestyle which leads to separation from you. Instead, strengthen me, help me to prefer you to other attractions, and daily to come closer to you in love, joy and faithfulness. I ask this through Jesus Christ, my Lord and my Saviour. Amen.

Have a Blessed Weekend!
God Bless!


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