Friday, May 16, 2008

To all at LC300 Singapore, see you all at Immaculate Heart of Mary

Just fininshed class in the morning from 8am to 10am and now I am back at my table. Now waiting for my next class to start at 12pm to 2 pm. After so many years here, it has it upside as well....I don't need to prepare for classes any more. It is up on top of my has now become second nature to me now...I can even remember how many slides per topic for my module and know what is the next slide coming just like that....this is a plus point when you are teaching the same old subject day in day out, for a good whole 7 years...even if one has totally no clue about the subject in the beginning, he/she will become an expert in that subject in time to come...surely!

Now, to something I experienced this week...just this week a student insist of wearing a baseball cap to my class with the 4 letter vulgar word on it...and has been wearing it on a few occasions...I told him not to wear the cap anymore to my class (not in my class as far as possible)..I know this chap has a rebellious streak in him, he just would not listen. I told him sternly but politely that I cannot compromise on this will become an issue for him in my presence...

On wednesday, he proudly told that he is not wearing the cap anymore (during my lecture), I thought he was just being playful and not serious about the change...this morning I met him in the lift lobby...again he called out to me "Sir, I am not wearing the cap anymore" I thank him for it.

He has earn my respect for him as an individual though rebellious, has a soft spot for change..and change for the better...I don't mind him being playful, (Who is not? the age of 18, 19 years old)..but those who are under my charge, I make sure they are playful in the right abusive language in my class, no unruly behaviour etc..

Tomorrow, Sat I will be playing football together some of colleagues against the students...should be fun, I guess..Sun will be down at Holy Trinity for parish feast day and thereafter to mum-in-law's place to celebrate father-in-law birthday...Monday to Immaculate Heart of Mary to celebrate 15 years of Holy Matrimony....Tuesday on leave to spend time with sweetie and also to rectify car audio! quite a lot on my plate with lots of "makan" on the way so I am keeping my stomach today for the weekend...

Now come Wednesday, the actual graduation ceremony of our graduates...again makan! And guess what? We are required to put on suit and tie on that day...guess which suit I will be wearing?well! it will be the suit that I wore for our wedding 15 years ago...4 June 1993! I wore it last year , and will be wearing this suit again this time round..and each time I wear brings me back acroos to the time 15 years time flies!

To all at LC300 Singapore, see you all at the Immaculate Heart of Mary Church on Monday!

Have a Blessed Weekend! God Bless!


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