Saturday, May 31, 2008

Do you believe in heaven…?

Heaven…a term that we often use quite loosely in our conversation but ask yourselves really this question : Is there a place called HEAVEN? I know of a colleague of mine in my current work place who does not believe in heaven and of course if you don’t believe if there is such a place called heaven then naturally you would also not believe that there is really a GOD..and as a matter of fact he uses our lord’s name to curse and swear. Whenever things don’t go the way he expects it to be e.g. projector not working, student give a lousy presentation etc he would just swear uttering loudly “JESUS CHRIST!” …you know just like what you see in some American movies….so I reckon that he is a total non believer in God….well, I am not against that coz as much as we need to respect the faiths of others in our community we should like wise have the same level of respect for the atheist… not believing in God is also a “religion”

Now comes back to the question: Is there a heaven? My answer is plainly a yes. Life in this world is absolutely very transient, very temporary, it is a passage necessary for us to get to know who our creator is and to marvel at his creation in this universe. I picture heaven as like one huge enormous spaceship with GOD as the captain of this spacecraft...HE is the cretor of this spacecraft. We, earthlings, for whatever reason end up on this planet earth and the mission of God is to get everyone back on board in this spaceship. Those who has already went up to this space ship (now in heaven) is working very, very hard by praying for us in heaven so that more earthlings can go up to this spaceship ultimately. But of course not all are destined to be in this spacecraft....when the time comes for this planet to close and end some will be safe in this space craft while some will remain on earth…people who has gone before me like St Theresa, St Bernadette, St John of the Cross etc is now in this spacecraft and are doing all they can to get as many souls on board this spacecraft…SO DO YOU WANT TO BE ON BOARD THIS SPACECRAFT?
I have come to know that there is at least one soul who chose not to board and he is of course this colleague of mine that I mentioned in the beginning of this bog entry.....and as he is a non-believer his main focus in life centers around very secular, earthly, temporary things like power, status (e.g size of office, the bigger the better), money, material possessions etc.....Iam not against that but I felt a tinge of sadness for him as he has failed to see beyond this worldly state of being..well for sure St Theresa would be sad as I know her mision would be to get every single soul on board this "spaceship"......Let's pray for him, pray also that he will stop cursing using our Lord's name.....


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