Thursday, May 22, 2008

The day I played football and begin to love soccer...

I have never played a serious game of fact I never like football as my passion lies in field hockey...i have always like field hockey..
But this day, 17 May 2008 turn my dislike into a pleasant discovery for myself...I like soccer now!
I was being asked repeatedly to take part in a soccer game to play against the young and promising students...we were quite anxious to be frank...I think on the team itself I was the oldest being 43 old..(youngest on our team is 29)...and that makes me even more worried..not to mention the weather is also not on our was one of the hottest afternoon ever..just take a look at the footbal scene, and you know what I mean:

We played to our best, although it was a really, really tough and challenging and thank goodness it was a 10 min per half and 7-a-side match with half field being played...but then 10 mins play was like eternity...but in the end we managed to play till the end and the score?....please see below.....
Here is a shot of me in action taken by my sweetie from far: (It was absolutely very nice of her to be there to cheer me on...dispite of the fact that she hated the sun and heat...)

.....and the score is 3-1 ( We WON!). I now begin to love soccer!..and also hockey..Of course!


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