Wednesday, February 13, 2008

BZ Day these 2 days (11 & 12 Feb 08)

Dear All

It's been a crazy & BZ day these 2 days just after CNY long weekend. Feli had diarrhoea at 5am Mon (11 Feb 08) and just before going down to catch the school bus, she had to go to the toilet again. She yelled to me that her stools were watery. I rampaged thru the fridge for the diarrhoea medicine but couldn't find it..must have thrown it away as it had expired. Yelled to her to hurry and asked Tiff to go down first and stop the bus. Told Feli she had to go to school that day as I had already made appointment with my mum to do some banking errants for my parents.

Whilst at the bank, got a call from Bert that the school called him 3x. Urgent. Feli had diarrhoea and needs to go home. Quickly finished my errant, went to pharmacy to get the medicine, took cab to fetch her home, gave her medicine and the slept like a baby. Poor girl, she told me she went toilet 8x since 5am that morning before I picked her up from school.

Today (12 Feb 08), Tiff seemed alright till 7pm. She felt nauseous and ran a fever of 38.2....panick again. Bert will be back late as he went for a run. Feli just recovered from diarrhoea so dare not risk her getting any bugs from the clinic. Frustration came in as I called Bert's handphone but no reply. Tiff had no appetite. She laid down waiting for her dad to fetch her to see the doc. I had already given her panadol. She could have caught the bug from her classmate as she was nauseous this morning and was absent from school the day before. Luckily her classmate called so I spoke to her mum...she didn't have the virus bug - it was motion sickness which lasted the whole of the CNY weekend. Poor girl. At long last, Bert came back at 8:30pm. I quickly rushed him out of the door with Tiff. Dinner can wait. As I am quite weak myself (I easily catch the bug from people), I seldom bring the girls to see the doc unless there really is no choice. Anyway, normally if I bring one, the other has to tack along as there's no one to take care of them, and I try to minimise the one that is well, exposure to the virus in the clinic. Doc diagnosed that Tiff has gastric flu..and surprise, surprise, it's likely from her sister!! So now, my home is a sick-bay. Just took redoxan to boost up my immunity. And I'm sleeping with Feli to reduce my chance of catching the bug from Tiff, cos when I fall sick, Bert can't take leave and the household would be truly topsy-turvy! That's the disadvantage of being a neuclear family without a maid! What to do? Single-income so have to DIY everything yourself lah!

Love Theresa

1 comment:

Created and Dedicated to all at LC300 said...

Dear All - an update today (13 Feb 08 late morning) in addition to Tiff's gastric flu, she later came down with allergy rashes. Seems like she's not only allergic to crabs but also to blueberries!! As she can't eat dairy products, gave her bread with blueberry jam. Less than 30 mins later, allergy rashes. Lucky I had some allergy medicine, so gave her those & applied camoline lotion. Cheeky girl that she is, (she likes blueberry bubble tea), she say, can still eat crabs and blueberry cos we have the medicine! tsk tsk! - love Theresa