Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Consolation for our dear Joseph...

Hi Joseph,

Your are certainly not alone when comes to getting summons for parking. You see last year Apr I got a summons for parking in a HDB loading and unloading bay and the fine is SGD 100/-.....I wrote in to HDB and eventually got it waived. Recently, about the time my mum passed away, I got another parking summon....this time I was very goody good...It was a sunday, so parking is free anyway, I park in designated parking lot but it just that it was a season carpark lot (i.e. those marked red in colour ones) and I got a ticket for SGD50/-. I have sent in my appeal and still waiting for a reply from the HDB...Hopefully, my appeal will go through..

To all, don't park in a season carpark lot even though there is a lot of empty ones around and even though it is a Sunday..and parking is free.

Hope that this makes you feel better and go and eat man...don't let this get in your way man!...

Albert Y

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