Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Reflections - Today's reading Mt 18:21-35

Dear All

Today's reading is about the merciless officer who was cleared off his debt by his master, but was relentless to a fellow officer was in debt to him. Jesus reminds us to be forgiving not 7x but 70x7 times. If we do not forgive others, we should not expect the Lord to forgive us.

Yesterday, when I took out the clothes to hang after machine-washing them, I found in particular, a white long sleeve blouse of Tiffany's stained with black. I then realised Bert must have put in his black jeans in the wash and I didn't know about it. I was fuming mad and grumbled to the girls. Then Felicia told me "Don't be angry with dady, mumy. It's not dady's fault". I then grumbled, "If not his fault, it's the machine's fault!!"

Then the little angel, Felicia, said to me "Don't worry mumy. If che che don' want to wear it, I will wear it and che che can take my red one instead."

I asked her if she dares to wear the white spoilt blouse out, knowing that she's such a vain little girl, I was surprised when she said she would. So strong was her desire for me not to be angry nor blame Bert that she was willing to sacrifice her own vanity!

As I reflect on my behaviour, I realise that when things go wrong, we so easily look for others or things to blame. (If I am not allowed to blame Albert, I blamed the washing machine. I never blamed myself!). Later, I felt that I should have dug out the clothes and checked them. I told Bert that next time he should either leave the black jeans aside (not in the machine) or tell me if he had placed it in the machine.

Felicia's reactions also taught me about forgiveness. She's such a little peace-maker.The things our children teach us. We do learn something new everyday.

Love Theresa

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