Wednesday, August 13, 2008

7 months since mum has passed on...

Dear mummy,

It has been 7 months since you left us on 14 Jan 2008..It has not been a single day that goes by without me thinking of you...I hope that you are now well and fine in heaven, forever!

Bro has handled some aspect for your stuff while I too handled some....we work together in this and it has really brought us together like no other time before.....Everthing has now reached a closure; bank accounts, CPF, hospital bill, Safe deposit box, personal effects etc ...all OK...though I cannot say for sure that I have fully recover from the grief that I experience as a result from your departure..all I can say is that your death has set me closer to God for sure coz...I was motivated by the fact that I wanted to see you in heaven one day...and I do not want to do anything here on earth that will lessen my chance of entering heaven when my time is done here on earth.

Today is such a busy day for me with me having to make 3 presentations in a meeting...and day after tomorrow is Assumption Day...Hope you have a good time in heaven.

Eternal rest grant upon my mummy, O, Lord!
And may perpetual Light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace. Amen.


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