Friday, August 22, 2008

Some funny things that Feli said..

Dear All

Do you know that kids do say the darnest things, especially when they are young and are learning new words or things. Here's 2 hilarious things that Feli said yesterday whilst I was preparing her for her maths test (which is counted towards SA2 exam) today (Fri).

~ I was teaching her fractions and checking with her if her teacher had taught them to simplify to the simplest fraction. She was a bit stunned by my question as she didn't understand what is simplest fraction, so I take it they were not taught yet (fraction is a new topic for them). So I decided to teach her how to simplify. The question was 2 upon I told her since both numbers are even numbers, they can be divided by 2 both the numerator and denominator (those terms she has been taught). Now 2 divided by 2 got her a bit stumped for a while, and she blurted out - "1". Now what is 10 divided by 2, I asked her...and do you know what was the darling girl's answer..."a lot of number!" How I laughed out loud with her unexpected answer!

~ next funny words from Feli was...when she was practising some fraction sums, she asked me "mummy, must I simply FLY?" Boy oh boy, this goes to show what children hear when we speak to them!!

That's my sharing for today. Hope these words from a "babe's" mouth had made your day!

Love Theresa

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