Thursday, August 21, 2008

Go forth and multiply....but not for us...

Wah there has been so many goodies to encourage Singaporeans to upsize thier families...just like MacDonalds Value Meal...Upsize or not? That is wat we are usually being greeted the minute we place our order at the Mac's...

Colleagues often ask me...why stop at 2 when there are so many goodies being handed out...Here is my standard reply:

For me I have always tell God and (now I am telling you) that I have participated in the God's Procreation of the Humankind...He (God) has the blueprint in front from Him, from the Alpha to the Omega and I have been in that one of the participants of this blueprint of the Creation...

so I have done my matter how small is my contribution (only 2 cute souls of the entire human race) I believe I done my part good enough to allow me to focus on other things in life...

To tell you very frankly, I am an advocate of small small? ...ha!..ha! In fact I am OK with just having one child that is how small I am prepared to have...anyway all the goodies being announced does not apply to me anyway, maybe it does to a small extend but I am not too concern about it and did not bother to read on...

Just a thought...need to chiong to School of IT to do ISO14K internal audit and then this evening chiong YCK stadium...SAFRA run coming this weekend! Never mind about babies...this is more important!

You have a nice day!


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