Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Times when being a mum feels so rewarding

Dear All

Today, as I was coaching Tiffy in her revision, she suddenly hugged me and told me she loves me! I was so taken by surprise as she's never said that to me before. She said I never gave her a chance as I always asked her 1st if she loves me, and she sounded like St Peter, agitated that how could I think she doesn't love me?

Recently, Tiffy sent me an e-mail about Friendship. It's sent to me because I'm her best friend. It didn't occur to me till another SAHM to whom I had sent the e-mail to, lamented that she hopes her daughters would send her such sweet mails when they are older. I suddenly realise how much my Tiffy really loves me. She doesn't express her feelings much and doesn't say much. I realised that she expresses her love in other ways. Remember the topic we did during one of the LC meetings about how we express love for our spouse...some do it by actions like doing the housework, i.e. we tend to show our love to others by how we would like others to show their love to us. So for Bert, I would show my love for him by doing some errands for him. I guess for Tiffy, it must have been my trying to share and appreciate the type of music she is listening to. They may not be my kind of music, but I try not to pass judgement, and instead try to enjoy some of the songs that she likes.

It's quite a challenge to live with and bring up children who are very different from ourselves in character and taste of music or clothings etc. I guess I didn't have that much problem with Bert as we both are Helpers. I can now imagine how tough it was for my parents, especially my mum who is a housewife, to bring us 4 kids up...each of us with such different personalities from her and from each other!! Yet I guess in a parent-child relationship, my mum was always giving, so I didn't feel such a struggle. I suppose with my girls, as a parent, I am giving them as close as unconditional love - as "perfect" a love as God has for us. It's tough, but the rewards are great! At least, I've picked up a little gold nugget today ;)

Love Theresa

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