Sunday, January 13, 2008

A fruitful session tonight.....a Fairytale (Tong Hua)

It was indeed a fruitful session tonight and I am sure everyone would agree with me that it was also a beautiful session that we took home with us tonight. Here is the dialogue question with the article.

What good do you see in your spouse and How does my answer make me feel?

As the session comes to a close tonight, I thought about this little thing called "Fairytale"...something that is close to our heart when we were still a young innocent child where we look forward to hearing them and most them, if not all, have this ending.....and they live happily ever after. Now, we all know, that they are all not true stories yes.. but we can make one within our marriage....a true fairy tale! In small little ways, like what St Therese of Lisieux [Ah..BTW, now I know which part of France where my this spiritual friend is from coz I happen to look at the map of France at the Poly Open House; she is from the northern part of France, sorry for the side track] always stresses... the daily small little ways in our acts of love and charity to our own little families, is good enough to be pleasing to God. God is not looking out for the extraordinary big things from us..Why does He need that? He really does not need that.. for He is the Almighty, All Powerful God beyond any human imagination..

So just focussing only on the good positive aspects of our spouse is a small little step in authoring this "Fairytale"....A true fairytale. Never mind about those negative aspects...If it really bothers you too much, pray to our God. He will be there to help us. I know He will. And in LC300, ultimately, hopefully, we will have a collection of this wonderful fairytales by all you lovely couples.

I leave you with the lyrics of Guang Liang song "Fairytale"

Fairytale (TongHua)

Good nite...or is it Good morning?

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